When I read David's words in this Psalm, I immediately saw Jesus. I make it a habit of looking for Jesus whenever I read the Old Covenant. He is hidden everywhere in the Scriptures and it's wonderful to see the creative ways the Holy Spirit inspired people to write about Him.
Here is David, under the Old Covenant of not being able to enter into God's Presence without the blood of sheep and goats and yet he 'gets it.' It's God's love that draws him into His Presence and David sees God's love as lavish, abundant, and never ending. He also realizes that this love is faithful and never changes or wavers like human love does. David's understanding of God is phenominal and how God revealed Himself to David is equally amazing. If these revelations were found under the Old Covenant, how much more can be seen in the New Covenant!? We just have to seek like David did and we will find. David truly was after the heart of God and he found it!
Today, in that New Covenant, we also enter into His presence by the abundance of His faithful love which is Jesus Christ. We can enter the Holy place and commune with our heavenly Father because of Jesus. We can sit on His lap and call Him "Abba Daddy." The sceptre of the Most High is forever extended to us because of Jesus and His Holy Spirit who leads us boldly before the Throne of Grace - that's how God's faithful love works!
The sacrifice of God demonstrates to us that His love is NOT stingy: it is abundant, lavish, exorbitant, extravagant and faithful. Those are just a few adjectives and they still don't adequately describe His great love. Jesus is God's great and faithful love that enables us to live and move and have our being as well as draw us near so that we are no longer "far off" as Paul says in Ephesians 2. We are no longer alienated from our Father. It's still amazing to me how much God wants to be with us and be near us so we can hear Him and know Him as we are known.
In God's View, His Son, Jesus Christ, will always be the abundance of His faithful love that beckons us to come into His Presence. So let us enter into His Presence every day by the abundance of that faithful love - Jesus!