About GWI

We believe that worship is a way of life, and we encourage people to
take the initiative and live this gift of life everyday in worship to
Him. In all we do, from work to interactions with others, we desire
to be pleasing to Him.
Ted and I began this ministry back in the early 80’s. We started with music which was God’s way of getting our ‘foot in the door’ to the nations of the world. Ted has written (and continues to write) music that expresses heartfelt worship to the Lord and many people from many nations came to us in the 80’s asking that his music be translated into their language. That began opening doors for us to walk through and also brought us into an awareness of problems and needs in many of these nations.
We began in Portugal, then went to Brazil, Europe (specifically Germany), Central America and the Spanish speaking world, Bulgaria, North Africa, China and many other places. We have been involved in discipling people, relief efforts, business development, orphanages, medical teams, establishing dental clinics – whatever needs came to our attention. God has always been faithful to answer these needs at just the right time. It has been phenomenal to watch how He has provided people and resources for a myriad of situations since 1982.
This is part of why we have added other words to the GWI acronym which are -
GO – WORK – INTERCEDE. We believe in the great commission to GO to the nations of the world. We believe that a big part of going is to show the love of God through WORK and we definitely could not have done it without prayer and INTERCESSION.
We have spent many hours walking through the nations of the world, declaring the scriptures and especially that the earth is the Lord’s! It is His inheritance and we are part of working with Him to bring His glory to the nations…’that they might know His ways and His saving power.’ (Psalm 67:2)
Since 1988 we have spent a consistent amount of time in Central America, mostly Nicaragua and specifically two orphanages there. One main area of concentration has been on the island of Ometepe in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. Since 1992 we have taken teams there to help build up the orphanages, bring them into the 21st century technologically, address medical needs, and help people on the island begin businesses in order to be self-sustaining. We also started dental clinics that now serve the 40,000 people on this island who never saw a dentist, because there wasn’t one.
There are so many stories and so many projects. We have been involved in a variety of ways that have helped serve the lives of many people. We live in a complex world and there are many problems and needs to be addressed, aid to be given and wisdom sought through prayer. We know we are not the answer, Jesus is, and we know we can’t do it all. But we want to be about our Father’s business as much as possible in these days. Won’t you join us?
“This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise!” Isaiah 43:21
(New King James Version)
Ted and I began this ministry back in the early 80’s. We started with music which was God’s way of getting our ‘foot in the door’ to the nations of the world. Ted has written (and continues to write) music that expresses heartfelt worship to the Lord and many people from many nations came to us in the 80’s asking that his music be translated into their language. That began opening doors for us to walk through and also brought us into an awareness of problems and needs in many of these nations.
We began in Portugal, then went to Brazil, Europe (specifically Germany), Central America and the Spanish speaking world, Bulgaria, North Africa, China and many other places. We have been involved in discipling people, relief efforts, business development, orphanages, medical teams, establishing dental clinics – whatever needs came to our attention. God has always been faithful to answer these needs at just the right time. It has been phenomenal to watch how He has provided people and resources for a myriad of situations since 1982.
This is part of why we have added other words to the GWI acronym which are -
GO – WORK – INTERCEDE. We believe in the great commission to GO to the nations of the world. We believe that a big part of going is to show the love of God through WORK and we definitely could not have done it without prayer and INTERCESSION.
We have spent many hours walking through the nations of the world, declaring the scriptures and especially that the earth is the Lord’s! It is His inheritance and we are part of working with Him to bring His glory to the nations…’that they might know His ways and His saving power.’ (Psalm 67:2)
Since 1988 we have spent a consistent amount of time in Central America, mostly Nicaragua and specifically two orphanages there. One main area of concentration has been on the island of Ometepe in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. Since 1992 we have taken teams there to help build up the orphanages, bring them into the 21st century technologically, address medical needs, and help people on the island begin businesses in order to be self-sustaining. We also started dental clinics that now serve the 40,000 people on this island who never saw a dentist, because there wasn’t one.
There are so many stories and so many projects. We have been involved in a variety of ways that have helped serve the lives of many people. We live in a complex world and there are many problems and needs to be addressed, aid to be given and wisdom sought through prayer. We know we are not the answer, Jesus is, and we know we can’t do it all. But we want to be about our Father’s business as much as possible in these days. Won’t you join us?
“This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise!” Isaiah 43:21
(New King James Version)