In David’s writings there are three salient ‘characteristics’ that appear over and over. One is the sovereignty and rule of God. David may have been anointed as a king but he was never confused about who God is and who he was. David was a man under authority and knew the King of all kings! He deferred to His authority consistently. One of my favorite lines that appears often and shows this relationship to the sovereign Lord is, “And David inquired of the Lord,” or “David sought the Lord.” As both a king and a man David sought the Lord and bowed his heart, soul, mind and strength to his King!
Another characteristic of his writings revolves around the praise and worship of the Lord God Almighty! This we expect since David and his Psalms are synonymous with worship and praise. The sweet psalmist dedicated much of his time and energy by magnifying who God is, was, and always will be! How many of us are grateful that David wrote his Psalms? Many of us have lived in them during various seasons of our lives.
But the number one outstanding attribute in all his writings, that appears over and over, is trust. David trusted God! He trusted in God’s name, reputation, Word, ways, acts, goodness, faithfulness, unfailing love, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, and plans. He trusted God in the midst of life-threatening circumstances. He trusted God in the middle of his own mistakes and failings. When he sinned he even trusted in God’s discipline. In humility he said that God was right to discipline him, but he also trusted in God’s mercy to see him through it all the way to redemption. He trusted in the Omnipotent rule of God in the midst of battle and trusted that God would fight for him. Hence, “what can man do to me?” David trusted God to the depths of his soul.
God is still looking for people who will trust Him like David did; people who will not lean on their own understanding but will trust in the One who made them and loves them with an everlasting love! When it comes down to it, what is there not to trust? God’s love, goodness, and kindness are manifested in the fact that He sent us His only Son Jesus Christ, as well as in all of life around us. Take the time to look at the beauty of creation. Then take time to recount the ways God’s love can be seen and has been seen in your personal life. David always recounted the goodness and faithfulness of God in his life, which encouraged him to continue in his trust as his life progressed.
We belong to God who is mindful of all that is going on and He is mindful of us, too. He is not shaken! He has proven to be trustworthy throughout history as well as in our own lives. “Our help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth,” David tells us. He is the One who made it all so He is the One we can trust! David gives us incredible insight into who God is. It’s also obvious that God trusted David and gave him that incredible insight into who He is and how He functions. Trust went both ways!
There is a wealth of wisdom in his writing but the one cry that comes to us loudly and clearly is to trust in the Lord. Our brother David declared over and over because his View of God was trustworthy. Do we have his God View?