“The Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. His truth endures to every generation.” Ps 100
People in every generation declared that, we must declare it, and future generations will need to declare this because it’s the TRUTH! God is good whether we succeed or fail, whether we stand or fall, whether we obey or disobey. His goodness is not contingent on our behavior or lack of it and too often we equate His goodness with how we are living. Now, I know, there are effects and results in life. If you give, it will be given back to you – positively or negatively. The world calls that ‘what goes around, comes around.’ Jesus told us there would always be responses and consequences in life but the nature of who God is does not depend on us! He is good and merciful regardless of our action or inaction.
This should actually comfort us because we can depend on His goodness in life and we can call for His mercy in times of need. He is a Father who has compassion and even pity for His children, David tells us that in Psalm 103. He remembers that we are fragile and frail and made of dust. Sometimes we fall short of our own expectations, but not His. He is looking for people who have a heart for Him and He works with us in spite of ourselves and definitely much better than we work with ourselves, and others for that matter. Some of us think that if we fail, He will remove His goodness from us as punishment.
Take a look at Scripture and the people who, today, we would consider to be failures, unworthy of God’s goodness or unable to be used by Him! They were liars, cheats, swindlers, cowards, murderers, adulterers and on the list goes. We esteem them now but in the midst of life they certainly made some glaring mistakes. Some suffered consequences but they were still blessed by God, used by Him and His goodness pervaded their lives. He can’t be other than Who He is and He is good!
Since He is good, we should expect good. I am challenged by this because Ted and I are going through another new phase in life that will demand great faith on our part: for the second time we have handed a fellowship ‘over’ to the next generation of leaders. This time it is our oldest son, Jason. What a privilege to be in a new day such as this. We are greatly blessed.
However, at one point I started having feelings of ‘Oh no, now what is going to happen? I’ve been through this before and it was hard at times. Here we go again.’ Then I heard two amazing questions from the Lord, “What if it’s something good? What if it’s something you enjoy?” What a concept! I remembered an old song from the Oral Roberts program back in the early sixties that said, “Something good is going to happen to you… this very day… because Jesus of Nazareth is passing your way.”
Since then I have decided to expect good every day – because God is good! His goodness is near yet too often I miss it. I am determined not to miss Him and His goodness regardless of what happens in this phase of my life. His mercy will be there when I struggle, and His goodness is Who He is all the time, so … I just have to open my eyes. That’s my God View and that’s the truth! Won’t you join me?
People in every generation declared that, we must declare it, and future generations will need to declare this because it’s the TRUTH! God is good whether we succeed or fail, whether we stand or fall, whether we obey or disobey. His goodness is not contingent on our behavior or lack of it and too often we equate His goodness with how we are living. Now, I know, there are effects and results in life. If you give, it will be given back to you – positively or negatively. The world calls that ‘what goes around, comes around.’ Jesus told us there would always be responses and consequences in life but the nature of who God is does not depend on us! He is good and merciful regardless of our action or inaction.
This should actually comfort us because we can depend on His goodness in life and we can call for His mercy in times of need. He is a Father who has compassion and even pity for His children, David tells us that in Psalm 103. He remembers that we are fragile and frail and made of dust. Sometimes we fall short of our own expectations, but not His. He is looking for people who have a heart for Him and He works with us in spite of ourselves and definitely much better than we work with ourselves, and others for that matter. Some of us think that if we fail, He will remove His goodness from us as punishment.
Take a look at Scripture and the people who, today, we would consider to be failures, unworthy of God’s goodness or unable to be used by Him! They were liars, cheats, swindlers, cowards, murderers, adulterers and on the list goes. We esteem them now but in the midst of life they certainly made some glaring mistakes. Some suffered consequences but they were still blessed by God, used by Him and His goodness pervaded their lives. He can’t be other than Who He is and He is good!
Since He is good, we should expect good. I am challenged by this because Ted and I are going through another new phase in life that will demand great faith on our part: for the second time we have handed a fellowship ‘over’ to the next generation of leaders. This time it is our oldest son, Jason. What a privilege to be in a new day such as this. We are greatly blessed.
However, at one point I started having feelings of ‘Oh no, now what is going to happen? I’ve been through this before and it was hard at times. Here we go again.’ Then I heard two amazing questions from the Lord, “What if it’s something good? What if it’s something you enjoy?” What a concept! I remembered an old song from the Oral Roberts program back in the early sixties that said, “Something good is going to happen to you… this very day… because Jesus of Nazareth is passing your way.”
Since then I have decided to expect good every day – because God is good! His goodness is near yet too often I miss it. I am determined not to miss Him and His goodness regardless of what happens in this phase of my life. His mercy will be there when I struggle, and His goodness is Who He is all the time, so … I just have to open my eyes. That’s my God View and that’s the truth! Won’t you join me?